The Salinas Airshow
On the weekend of September 29th, JROTC cadets volunteered to help out at the Salinas Valley Air Show-an event full of food, fun, and lots of noise!
The cadets were tasked to help in the parking lot and keep car traffic flowing. Waving their arms in a luminous vest was all worth it once the air show started. As the cadets directed traffic in the dirt lot, aircraft were flying overhead and the airshow was happening right over them.
Cadets either arrived with Commander or drove themselves to meet at the airshow at 800. Around 1400, after hours of hard work, cadets were dismissed. Many stayed to watch the rest of the airshow, buy food, and take free goodies from the Air Force table.
The Salinas airshow was a great opportunity to help the community farther away from Monterey. Many drivers smiled at and even thanked the cadets who worked the parking.
In an article for the Monterey County Herald, Harry Wardwell, the executive director of the airshow stated that, “Not every community can host an airshow like this. It takes many people from the community to make it such a success.” Monterey High’s NJROTC was honored for making the airshow a success.