Colton Dances
On Friday, September 28th, students and staff of Walter Colton Middle School prepared for their school dance. Food was prepared, decorations were hung, and 7 cadets from our own Monterey NJROTC drove over to help out the middle-schoolers at their dance.
From 315 to 630, the cadets volunteered to help Colton Middle School staff. Activities included looking over the students and overseeing the activities at the dance. Highlights included “Free shaved Ice”-C/LTJG Worley and “When they(the middle-schoolers) left”-C/PO3 Dulce.
More than just free refreshments and having a good time, these cadets had a lasting impact on the community. After interviewing these cadets who volunteered we learned that the Walter Colton staff was very grateful for their help.
The Colton dance was one of the many events that cadets can get involved with the community. When Monterrey NJROTC volunteers at any events, we are representing the program. By just being there, these 7 cadets were able to promote the NJROTC program at the middle school.

On Friday December 14th, cadets were needed to chaperone for Colton Middle school Winter Wonderland Dance. This was the second event cadets helped with at Colton Middle School.
Being short of senior cadet volunteers, Chief and Commander had to ask the junior cadets. This would be one of their first opportunities to help out for the NJROTC program this year.
Commander was worried that the cadets were too close to the middle-schoolers in age. Also, the junior cadets were only notified a day or two beforehand about the event. Luckily, these cadets managed to help with another successful event at the school. Many staff and students at Colton appreciated the cadets for being great role models.